Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 20 of Round 2

Saturday October 17th
Starting weight: 268
Today's weight: 250.5

Hola, amigos. How's by you? I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but I been stalled and not energized to blog. Monday night we had a roast suggested by one of the HCG cookbooks and while it was delicious and I only ate 3 ounces, I didn't lose any weight until Thursday when I suddenly dropped to 252. Friday I was 251.5, and today now I'm at 250. So despite the setback I think I'm still on track to get down to my goal of 240.

When I hit 249 (hopefully tomorrow, possibly Monday), that'll be some milestones I'll share. Also Monday I'm going to start ingesting HCG sublingually three times a day instead of twice. I'm picking up a new batch from the doctor Monday morning and will leave some at work. We'll see how that goes.


  1. Why 3 times a day versus 2? I've not heard of that before.

    Congratulations on the drop!

  2. Thanks!

    Three times a day keeps the hunger away. By the time dinner rolls around (lol dinner rolls) I'm starving and tempted to overeat. This way, theoretically, I'm not going to be starving at dinnertime.

    The HCG injections kept the hunger at bay for 24 hours. Sublingual seems to wear off after about 8.

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