Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 29 - no progress all weekend

Monday August 3rd
Starting weight: 309
Today's weight: 276.5

Up and down a half a pound on Saturday and Sunday, back to where I was on friday. I should be happy, I guess.

At a friend's BBQ yesterday, we kinda cheated - instead of having the full-grain Wasa cracker (which we're not really trying to have anyway) we had some grilled sourdough crackers. Very little, but still it didn't seem to help either. So, darn.

On Saturday we spent the heat of the day at the mall, trying on jeans and shorts.

I can now fit in a 38, after wearing a 44 for years and years. This means I can (and DID) spend $200 on a pair of designer jeans at Nordstrom.

That was a very gratifying splurge and I don't regret it at all. I went to three events on saturday night (family gathering, friend's party, cabaret at our favorite club) and many of my friends said I looked different, better.

That makes it all worth it.

On the flip side, why haven't I lost any weight this weekend? Perhaps HCG immunity is kicking in and I should have another skip day, or another plateau breaker. We'll see tomorrow. However we've got a little more than two weeks to go, so I'd like to get down to the 260s and if I do that I'll still consider this round a success. 265 - great success. 260 or below - resounding, phenomenal, unlikely success.

We'll see.

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